How to Practice Mindfulness with Food
4.7 | 231 readers

I am disciplined.
I have to fuel my soul, mind and body with good things.
30 minutes practice time


Step 1: start with your shopping list – Before you begin shopping, write up a comprehensive shopping list. Consider the health benefits of everything you put on that list; it’s longevity in your kitchen pantry and nourishment value. Make sure you don’t shop when you’re hungry (which can lead to impulse buys) and stick to your list.

Step 2: prepare for success – Think about the week ahead and plan accordingly. It can be easy to turn to junk foods, foods we know don’t bring us a lot of value, or no food at all when we’ve got a busy schedule and haven’t planned for our meals.

Step 3: register hunger and act on it – This one can take a bit of practice. How often in the week do you listen to the cues your body is giving you about what it needs? It’s a common mistake that we often think we’re hungry when our body is trying to tell us it’s thirsty. Spend some time getting to understand the cues your body is giving you better and act on them appropriately.

Step 4: don’t wait until you’re ravenous to eat – If you skip meals and wait to give your body what it needs, you’ll come to the table ravenous, which usually leads to impulse eating and overeating as you seek to fill the void of hunger rather than eating meaningfully. This comes back to tip number two – always prepare for busy days and make time to eat.

Step 5: consider your portion size – Starting with a smaller portion size can help you become more aware of the food that is actually on your plate and increase your focus on what you’re eating, as well as how it’s meeting your hunger needs.

Step 6: create a ritual to accompany mealtimes – Research has found that even blowing out the candles on a birthday cake has shown to improve how it tastes.Whether it’s saying grace, offering gratitude, or simply arranging your cutlery and napkin in a specific way, a small ritual before you begin eating can have a big difference in how you experience your food.

Step 7: eat with all your senses engaged – Turn off the television, put your phone away, save the book for later – when you’re sitting down to a meal, give it your full undivided attention. Engage all your senses with each meal – how does it smell? What are the different textures? What colors are there? How does the food feel on your tongue, in your stomach? Savor the first bite and enjoy each moment.

Step 8: take a break between bites – Another way of bringing your attention to your meal is to take a break between bites. Put your utensils down and pause as you complete your mouthful. Reflect on the food left on your plate before continuing with your meal. It physically forces you to slow down and gives you the chance to check in with your body and see how your fullness levels are doing.

Step 9: chew slowly and pay attention – On a busy workday, it’s all too easy to inhale your food and move on to the next thing. Mindfulness is about taking this slowly – and that includes the physical motion of eating itself. Make a conscious effort to chew slower than you usually would. You might be surprised by how much you taste and how much quicker you feel full.

Step 10: take the time to reflect – Mindfulness doesn’t end with the completion of your meal. Take a moment to consider how you’re feeling now you’ve eaten. Listen to your body and take note of how eating has created different sensations and emotional reactions.
