10 Minute Low-Impact Home Cardio Workout
4.7 | 231 readers

Full body
A good pair of shoes


How To

  • Perform the exercises for the suggested time, one after the other with little or no rest in between

  • Perform the circuit once for a 10-minute workout or up to six times for a longer, more intense workout

  • Modify or skip any exercises that cause pain or discomfort. Add extra rest periods if you need to

1. Step Touches

How to: Warm up for one minute with light cardio, such as step touches. Step out to the side with the left foot, taking the arms up and then step the right foot in next to the left. Repeat the move to the right, moving quickly and swinging the arms to get the heart rate up. You can also take the arms overhead for more intensity.

Reps/Sets/Duration: 1 Minute

2. Windmills

How to: Take it to the next level by standing in a wide stance with the arms straight out. Bend at the waist, abs in, and take the left arm towards the right foot.Stand up and repeat the move on the left, going as fast as you can. Bend the knees if you feel any back pain. Repeat for one minute.

Reps/Sets/Duration: 1 Minute

3. Knee Smashes

How to: Extend the arms and bring the left knee up and across the body while bringing the arms down. Return to start and repeat, going as fast as you can to get the heart rate up for one minute. Repeat on the other side for one minute.

Reps/Sets/Duration: 1 Minute on each side

4. Front Kick With Lunge

How to: Bring the right knee up and extend the leg in a snapping front kick then take the same leg back into a straight-leg lunge while touching the floor.Repeat the kick and low lunge sequence for one minute and repeat the sequence on the other side for one minute.

Reps/Sets/Duration: 1 Minute on each side

5. Bear Crawls

How To: Squat to the floor and walk your hands out until you're in a plank position.Do a pushup on the knees or toes and then walk the hands back to a squat and stand up. Add a jump at the end for more intensity. Repeat for one minute.

Reps/Sets/Duration: 1 Minute

6. Side Knee With Side Kick

How To: In a wide stance, elbow down towards the knee. Take the left foot down and shift the weight into the left leg while kicking out to the side. Repeat as quickly as you can for one minute on the left and one minute on the right.

Reps/Sets/Duration: 1 Minute on each side

7. Squat Kicks

How to: With arms up in guard, squat as low as you can, taking the hips back. As you stand up, kick with the right leg. Repeat the move, kicking with the left leg. Repeat, alternating kicks for one minute.

Reps/Set/Duration: 1 Minute

Repeat entire circuit 1 or more times

Quick work out