Legs up the wall
4.7 | 231 readers

Rosewood essential oil
Om Namah Shivaya Gurave
12 minutes


  • Place a Pilates/yoga mat or another firm, padded surface perpendicular to a wall.- On the mat, cozy up to the wall sideways, getting your hip and shoulder as close to the wall as you can.

  • Rotate yourself around so that your legs and feet go up the wall as you take your head away from the wall to lie down. Keep your butt as close to the wall as possible. Scoot your butt closer to the wall if you need to. You want your legs close to 90 degrees. They are as straight as you can get them comfortably but don't lock your knees.

  • Make sure your shoulders and hips are in a line, and your back is in neutral spine there will be curves under your low back and behind your neck.- Relax your shoulders, moving them away from your ears. Let your arms lie loosely at your sides. Palms up or down.- Balance your body weight side to side.-

  • Relax: Just lie there and do some deep breathing. You might want to mentally scan your body for tight places and let those go. Let go of as much tension as you can in your legs and hips. Feel the weight of the legs falling down, through the hips and into the floor. If you like to follow a visualization, learn the sensing the bones exercise.

  • When you are ready, come out of the pose. Fold your knees to your chest, roll to your side, and push onto hands and knees.

  • Push your weight back to your feet and come to standing. You can roll your spine up, or you can stay folded at the hip and use your hands on your thighs to help yourself up the rest of the way.

Restorative for legs